Good, Good, Goose – week 4 tales of travel and conversations.

Good Coast
I am writing this from the East coast of Canada today in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia over looking the Harbour and the Halifax skyline. The annual BEAC ( conference has taken me from coast to coast and now back to coast, and I am truly grateful for the colleagues and friends I have met over my now 10 year involvement. Over the last couple of years, Nathalie has joined me on the trip and we thought it was not going to happen this year but I am so happy we were able to pull it off. I did come one day early so I was a little worried what the lady taking care of my hotel room was going to think about me when she found the dress and matching black shoes and no other indication of a ladies presence. By the way, the shoes are too small!

Good Conversations
Traveling with the kids, we in most cases delve into some interesting conversations and this week one worthy of sharing was a conversation about sayings and expressions. What started it was something my Mom said months ago after winning $100.00 at bingo. The kids overheard the conversation and watched her put the single bill in her purse and heard her say “for a rainy day”. The kids bring this up every now and then and this week they reminded me that “Grandma has it still in her purse” and then it began. What does that mean “for a rainy day”? Well let’s see it means saving the money for when you need it. “Like we need new webkinz?” they say. Well not exactly! It would be something that Grandma needs. “OK Grandma we think you need to get us new webkinz” and on it went. We delved into other expressions and meanings but I will save “hungry like a horse” and “a bird in the hand’ for another post and just for the record, the $100.00 is still safe in her purse.

Goose News
I am very sad to report that it looks like the family of Canadian Geese living in a pond on King Street that I talked about the other week, have left the nest with no sign of little ones. I can tell you that there are lots of other signs of new life along the many routes of our commute. The grass and fields are rich with shades of green, horses play with their energetic colts and there is even one farm along the way with goats and sheep and their respective little ones running a-muck but I guess it was just not meant to be for our little friends on King Street.

Good Sense
Nathalie and I have this odd ability (her more then me), that when we walk into a room and make eye contact with the oddest or loudest or strangest person in a room, it is that person that ends up sitting beside us. So walking into the airport and lounge waiting to board area this week, I tried avoiding any friendly contact with the loud 18 month old running around like crazy. I tried but I knew that a very quick game of peek-a-boo across the lounge sealed the deal. I guess the good thing was they did not end up right beside me, it was over and up one seat, but they certainly where close enough to me for the extra sound effects. Thank God for the headphones and the in-seat entertainment to distract me.

Good Taste
I always know it is going to be an interesting comment when the girls ask me to turn down the radio in the car. After the car was quite enough and Julia had my full attention she said, “You know Daddy, you and Mommy have great taste”. Thank you Julia, but why would you say that? Then Julia said “Because you guys buy us nice things for our birthday”. There you go! Working her dad and getting set for her birthday in August and all that from a six year old! I am so in trouble.

Have a good week!

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