Rules, movie night the home show and some laughing, a great way to spend week 41 in the Carr household, as long as it is not sick in bed!
New Rules
The girls have a new principal at school. We are hoping it is temporary, because we did like the principal they have had for the last 2 or 3 years, but he is away for at least the rest of the school year on leave. With a new boss comes new rules, and it caused quite a heated conversation this week in the car, on our way to dance. Apparently, her wide reaching rules are equally effecting grade 2 and grade 5, because both girls had comments. Jordyn announces “She is changing everything, like we can’t use equipment outside”. We go back and forth, weighing the safety concerns and possible reasons why someone would not allow indoor equipment outside, and why someone that is a new boss can make up new rules when they are in charge, but they would not have it, and could not believe that someone would have the gaul to change what has worked for so long. Then Julia adds the line that had us laughing the whole night. “What’s next? Hideous clothing?” Don’t worry Julia, if it goes that far, Mumma and Daddy will step in for sure!
Movie Night
Date nights abound over the last couple of weeks in the Carr household, and it is sure great getting an opportunity to spend some quality time and take in a movie, even if they are what some would call “chick flicks”. Last week, we did a Valentine’s date night with the movie Valentines Day and tonight we watched “Dear John”. I can say with all my masculinity in tact, that they were both great movies! Thanks especially to my popcorn sharing date for both movies, because in the end, it would not matter what was on the screen, as long as I had you to share it with. (Ahhhh man, I may still have my mush on a little too much!)
Home Show
So I guess you own a home, so you need to go to the home show right? What do they sell you at the home show? I hope it’s not a new home! Ok, I do understand that the on slot of never ending “home-esk” suppliers and providers, row upon row in a never ending labyrinth of hallways and smiling faces, with offers of the next best thing for the home owner. The funniest thing? I can’t wait to check it out tomorrow!

It could be one of those stories that ends with “you had to be there”, but we had a busy Saturday last weekend and had to grab lunch on the go. Sitting in the Taco Bell (Julia’s choice!) just chatting away with Nathalie about whatever, and over her shoulder, getting out of his car, I spot him. A guy in a red and white striped hoodie and a scarf and a goofy smile. So I tell Nathalie “I found him!” “What? Who?” she asks, as I point out the window at the guy laughing with his friend, now walking across the parking lot, towards the restaurant door. “Waldo” I say, “I found Waldo” what do I get? Nathalie looks and laughs, literally out loud. Not sure if she laughed louder then, or later when we tried maneuvering around the dining room looking for the best angle for a picture so we can prove it. Although the final shot is not all that clear, I hope you may laugh a little too when you see it. I call it, “Where’s Waldo?”
I can’t run through week 41 and not talk about how some of us spent it in bed, down for the count for the first time in a long time. I will only say that it is not easy trying to manage breakfast, getting the kids out of the house, dinner, homework, and baths and then bedtime, when you and your wife are maybe 20 or 30% TOGETHER. The girls stepped up and did pitch in, and for that I can say thank you, but I am sure glad we are back to 100%, so we don’t have to do that again!
In closing
I have used the line in class a couple of times over the last few weeks, and I laughed when Nathalie and I talked about the same topic tonight. What I said to the class, after the third or fourth time I told them to settle down and get ready to listen, I muttered something like “I am a bubble away from loosing it, so do you really want to be the group to set me off and take me to the dark side?”. It occurred to me after my conversation with Nathalie that we are all just about in the same place. She used the line, “it keeps me sane and insane” and I was like “can you be both sane and insane at the same time?” and then it hit me, of course you can! It is the ebb and flow of life that moves you from one side to another, and quite often, the only difference is a bubble.
So here is hoping, your on the right side of your bubble this week!
Have a great and safe week and thanks for reading.
I’m just glad our class was not the group that “set you off and took you to the dark side”…On second thought, maybe we were! 😛 Nice blog, Jim. Keep up the good work, and don’t burst your own bubble now… 😀
My bubble burst today. Definitely on the insane side of things. Counting the days…
Hopefully next time I’ll picture that bubble and play with it instead.