Shotgun, Reconciliation, Remembering and leaving with more then you start with, the filling but enjoyable foray into the life and times of the Carr family for week 28.
We are not an overly religious family. Yes, good “Christian” values, like truth, kindness and a “do onto others” approach is part of our everyday way of thinking, but we don’t need to go to church every week to learn that these are good values to have in ones’ life. The girls go to a Catholic school and get a good dose of the “word of the Lord” each day so we think we pretty much have most of the bases covered. This last couple of weeks, we have been working a little extra hard with Julia because early in grade 2 they get ready for their first communion by first learning and understanding their first reconciliation (or first confession).
The problem is, that having gone through all the same work a couple of years ago with Jordyn, and having dealt then with the same “you must go to church every week” kind of people from church who run the program we are dealing with now, our attitude is filled with just a little frustration. That’s why Julia’s comments at the dinner table, after being asked for the hundredth time “do you know what it is you are going to say to the priest?” made us chuckle just a little too much for church speak! After repeating the required statement “bless me father, I have sinned. This is my first reconciliation”, Julia pointed out to us, that the word “silly” is in reconciliation… “That’s how I remember how to say it Mommy!” She says with a giant I am so smart smile.
Friday, we finally had a chance to take Branden out for a birthday dinner, and I am happy to report that we had a great time! Great food, good company and a whole bunch of laughs! We had a good time reminiscing about him as a baby, growing up in front of our eyes, and making us proud everyday. Thanks for the company Buddy!
During the 80’s there was no voice in Toronto radio more popular with more people then that of Tom Rivers. Big in the eyes of all fellow broadcasters, not only because of the audience numbers he commanded, but also his shear size. However, what many are not aware of is that inside that imposing 6’ 8” frame was a huge heart with an enormously creatively mind to boot. Oh and also crammed in there was someone, who loved to teach and was very good at it.
The story of Tom teaching at Seneca was almost never to happen, truth be told. When he had called me out of the blue one day, to see if there were any openings for part time teachers, I had none. I loved the idea of bringing him in, but because we had no openings and because I was worried about what his attitude would be towards the future of radio, given the fact that he had been one of the most traveled jocks in North American radio, I was on the fence and leaning towards no. Surly someone with as many hiring’s and firings and as many different stations and jobs on his resume could never be as positive as you need to be to teach future broadcasters.
Boy was I wrong! In what was only going to be a quick chat with one of my radio idols, I learned of a man’s incredible passion for broadcasting and of a love he had for all that his storied career had given him. A short interview that turned into a couple of hours and a history lesson, I left with a need to find a course for Tom to teach but already having a full roster of teachers, the only solution was to create a brand new course for him, and that I did.
Last Weekend
Last post I did say that I would have a full recap of the goings on in Niagara Falls on our little mini vacation trip. We had a great time even if we did not make it to the US, due to a misplaced passport, but we DID make it to the casino, and left with more then we went in with and when all is said and done, is that not all we should ever hope for?
How powerful is that a simple sound, word or scent can bring back a memory as vivid and almost real as the day it happened? A first step, a first dance or a first whatever need only a quick trigger and you are right there in the middle of it. The great thing about memories are that they are ours and ours alone. Yes, the people that where with you back then, have similar memories but the ones in your minds eye are only yours. I also think that the memory of the house you grew up in, or what it was like sitting in your first car or even how you felt the first time you rode on two wheels will only get stronger if you share it with someone, so go ahead and re-tell the story from your past and that memory will be etched into the forever place in your mind.
In closing
This week we had a need for food and fast, so it was a quick lunch at Harvey’s. It amazes me, the things that are taught without teaching and in a quick conversation with Julia, we learned something new that the little one picked up. It was all about ketchup distribution, and Julia’s need to have ketchup, both all over her fries and in a pile beside the fries. “Why do you want so much ketchup Julia”? “See Daddy”, pulling a fry with no ketchup from the pile, and calmly dipping in the large dollop, “for instance, when I need more ketchup I have it right here”. For instance! Really? Where did she get that from?
They learn in the strangest ways…
Thanks for reading and have a safe week,
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