Food, Date Night and Spare Keys

Food, Date night and spare keys, the week that was week 51 in the life of the Carr’s presented in 700 words or less!

Comfort Food
I love it when my old students keep in touch, and this week I got word from one of them that I inspired her to start writing a blog about one of her passions, food ( It got me thinking about food, and I laughed when I remembered a conversation I was having with Nathalie about a dinner we once shared with some friends we had more then 20 years ago. That’s a long time ago, so we could not come up the friends’ names or were they lived, but what we did both remember was what we ate. Our host had never cooked for a group of people before, and was guessing at most of it. In fact not only had she never cooked for a group before, she had never made a chicken and not knowing how to prepare it, she felt that the best way to cook a chicken was to boil it! I can’t remember how bad it was, but even now thinking about the cooking method I imagine it was horrible. At least I was able to get something out of it, content for a blog, more then 20 years later. I can only say thank GOD we now have the Internet, so people can get a recipe and instructions online.

Date Night
Well it seems that with Nathalie’s birthday party last week, and Julia’s communion a couple of weeks before that, we have been almost a little too busy for a date so that had to change this weekend. Saturday we had the sitters lined up, and plans to hang out with some good friends, and we had a blast. Sometimes it is easy to forget how much fun it is to enjoy the company of special friends, but need only a couple of hours to make you say, “We need to do that more often!”

How many keys do you have on your ring? For years, I carried around a ring with a couple of keys I had long since forgotten their use. I just feared that if I removed them, I would come across the door or lock I needed to open, and I would be screwed. I finally did get tired of the extra weight, and a bunch of years ago I purged and got rid of the keys I had not used and so far so good. I had forgotten about that until this week, when Nathalie and I started talking keys with Wonder Woman, and she brought up the fact that she has a couple on her ring, that no longer serve a purpose. Then we looked at Nathalie’s ring and sure enough, she too had an unidentified key. Purge I say! I did, and have not had a problem yet, but the KEY is to keep them on a ring somewhere. The thing is you just need to remember where THAT ring is (I have misplaced mine!).

In closing
Back in the 90’s I worked with a talented creative writer in Belleville named Kathy. One of the things she did that was very creative was send little unique props with her resumes to stand out. My favourite was a pair of small toy wooden blocks with “writers” written on them. The cover letter would say something like “If you are suffering from writer’s block, call me and I would love to help”. Well over the last couple of weeks, I have been looking at the two blocks that she gave me for my desk and thinking allot about my own writer’s block. It is certainly not a lack of content because I have a bunch to say, just trying to get back into a routine since the end of the last semester and the start of the next.

Lets’ hope I will be back in the swing of things for next week!

Thanks for reading and have a great and safe week.

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