Mom, dark dressing and a simple smile, the light and fluffy, get caught up Carr blog for week 52
Education week
Each year the girl’s school celebrates Education Week with a series of special events. This week, along with a special church service, a movie day and the French Café, we had a family activity night to take part in. This was a new event this year, and although some of the faculty had seen it be successfully at other schools, they had no idea of how much of a success it would be here. With only 20 family’s signing up before hand, we were not that optimistic, but in the end, it was a great success and lots of fun seeing and talking with so many families in our community.
In the dark
This week I had a laugh on the phone with a colleague from Vancouver. We were talking about getting dressed in the dark and I told her that I often make the mistake of picking my clothes in little or no light, and laugh when I see myself later in the day in a mirror and ask, “What was I thinking?” Connie had done the same thing before and told me of when she was a reporter for CBC, and left the house in two different shoes, and how she scrambled around work, looking for someone to loan her two new shoes so she would match for an interview. I guess the better thing would be to either turn on a light, or pick your clothes the night before, but what then would you have to laugh at yourself.
I used to quite often smile at the people I would see in cars, while stopped at stoplights. I said I used to because I can’t remember the last time I did this, that is until one trip this week. I am not sure why I stopped doing it other then the fear of someone thinking I was trying to pick them up and them reacting by pulling a gun or something. I guess a sign of the times, or something to be blamed on the media, but this week I through caution to the wind and made an effort a smiling at someone in the next car. I have been a little out of my normal Zen mode the last little bit, and if I understood chakra or the need to be in balance in ones life, I might easily identify that something has been a little off kilter. Perhaps the need to make someone laugh or smile at random is what I needed, because I feel good and now I feel closer to my normal self.
This being Mothers day week, I feel the need to acknowledge how thankful I am to have such a great wife, that is such a fantastic mother to our girls. Not only a great Mother to our girls, but when needed, a mother to me. I hope she had a great day, and always remembers that she is a great Mother!
In Closing
There is someone in everyone’s life that provides unconditional, unwavering love. For most, that person waited to hear your voice, and wished to touch your hand and loved you LONG before you even breathed you first breath. Those who have known true love in their life will certainly understand the feeling this kind of love brings, and even long for it’s emotional energy if it is missing, but the love of a Mother is something that will always be the strongest, deepest and most special love of your life.
When we are young, we take this love for granted, and some times even take advantage of it. When we are teens, we devalue the love by not appreciating it and by sometimes saying hurtful things, but when we are older and perhaps have children of our own, we understand what this love is. It is only then that we can truly learn to love in this way ourselves. Mothers teach us by showing and doing, and some of what they teach us, they don’t even know.
Thank you to my Mom for teaching me strength, commitment, and for giving me my get back up when you fall down ability and doing it all without even knowing you did it. I love you Mom!
Thanks for reading, and have a great and safe week.
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