The winner is, a busy week and the circle of life, the well-rounded, family friendly week that was number 44 in the Carr household.
Well, I won a new truck this week, two new trucks actually. Or maybe it was one truck and cheque for $10,000. I am not quite sure; you see I didn’t get a good look at what it was that was under the rim at Tim’s because I did not get a chance to roll up my rim. I did get a cup, and I did roll a rim, but two times this week, I did not get the cup I was meant to get. Has this ever happened to you? You place your order and you watch the staff pour the wrong mixture in the cup and when you mention it to them, they promptly correct the issue, by replacing the original winning cup with a new “non-winning” cup, of course this time mixed the correct way. Well that was me twice this week. Two separate times, a sure victory snatched from my grasp and nothing to show but an empty tea stained cup. Some would look at the silver lining and perhaps say that fate is something you can’t predict, so perhaps the second cup is MY cup. But all said and done, I would still like the first cup!
It was sure great to have my sister and her family here for a short visit and we were lucky enough to get together a bunch of times. On Tuesday night, we made the trip up to Caledon on the eve of their departure, and chatted and laughed and even cried a little. In 6 days, we were able to get together for 4 of them, and it was so good to see everyone.
Busy week
For the last 5 years, on the Monday of the world famous Canadian Music week, the Ontario Association of Broadcasters, hold their career development day. All Ontario College and University students, studying broadcasting are invited to gather and hear speakers and take part in small group round table discussions about the industry. I only mention it this year, because this was the first year that I was the chair of the committee that organized the event and this was the biggest year yet. We had more then 200 students, and by all accounts the feedback was great!
Capping off Music Week for me this year, was the annual RMB Crystal Awards lunch, and this year it was a little extra special. I normally run into a number of grads and a bunch of people I know throughout the event and this year was the same, but what was very cool was that two of my grads were up for awards. I am so proud to congratulate Azeem from the class of 2005 for his silver in the station promo category, and Adam from the class of 1999 for his gold award in the station single category.
Circle of Life
In the week that we can finally officially announce that close friends of ours, Jeff and Colleen are expecting a baby in September, and the same week another friend is about to give birth, I am reminded that life has two sides. You see this week is the anniversary of the passing of two significant people in my life. Big John Small, a colleague and good friend was the kind of guy that would give you the shirt of his back. I never had the pleasure of being one of his students, but yet he taught me so much. My favorite lesson; love what you do! A motivational personality to a fault, John was the go to guy for so many of his close friends who, when needed the right advice, an honest opinion or a kick in the ass, John was the man.
When I was in grade 6, my best friends mother almost adopted me as one of her own children. I spent a great deal of time with his family and grew as a person over my time with them, but time has a funny way of moving along. The last time I talked with Trina, more then 20 years ago, I was going in a different direction in life and chose the path that lead me away from my friend and his family so I never had the closure I wish I had. When she died 3 years ago, I thought about the last time I talked with her, when I told her I was going back to school. My hope is that she somehow understood that I needed to do what I needed to do for me and that I hope she somehow knew I had a tremendous respect for her.
My hope is that the spirits of these two people have already found their way into the hearts of others, or perhaps will even be seen in the eyes of the new life yet to come. We will all be the better for it.
In closing
As with most weeks, the great conversations with the girls are in the car, and we always try to turn them into some kind of life lesson. In a parking lot, while Nathalie was in a store, noticing one of those kids in a “Little Ceasar” costume by the side of the road waving a $5.99 sign, Julia says, “I feel so sorry for the person in the costume”. “Why do you feel sorry for them Julia?” I ask. “Well, they must be hot in there, and also no one is stopping! They are just ignoring them”. Insert life lesson here, “Well Julia, they are getting paid for what they are doing, it is their job. They are probably not that hot, and the cars are not stopping, because it is the middle of the street. If they are hungry, they are pulling into the parking lot, to buy a pizza. Sometimes, you need to do a job that is not the coolest, but it is a job and there is nothing wrong with it”. I sit back proud of my dad speech and look in the mirror to see if the wheels are turning, and as she watches the kid in the suit, franticly wave his great deal sign, she says “They still look a little silly!”
Looking a little silly in my own way, waving MY own sign, I say have a great and safe week and thanks for reading!