Confessions of the Acting Associate Chair – Week 11

With the clocking ticking on 091, assuming you have marking or something else to do, I present the super short, hyper compressed, but just as filling, week 11 confessions e-mail!

Big Announcement
As you are most likely aware by now, the Board of Governors has announced that the 5th President of Seneca College is David Agnew. Thanks to the Presidential search committee with two SCA members, for their work and commitment to the long process. I personally look forward to working with our new president.

Open House
I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow at the Seneca Open house, starting at 10:00AM. Remember, Student Services does provide some light refreshments for staff and volunteers. As long as you like cookies and juice, they’ve got you covered.

DMA Advisory board meeting
Thanks to Joe Bodick for letting me take part in the DMA advisory board meeting this week. I was involved in some very lively decisions with this group of talented and dynamic industry reps that is sure to keep the program at the top of its game. One highlight for me was talking with Stuart Sackler, a Seneca grad that had worked for GANZ and their very popular kids division of Webkinz world ( It was cool telling my girls that I met the guy who designed “Quizzy’s Corners” and to see their face light up as if I had met Oprah.

In the screening room
A group of fourth semester JBC documentary students will be joining Sunny Yi and James Cullingham at the Bloor Cinema on April 14th for a screening of DOWNSTREAM, a new documentary about the environmental impact of oil sands development in Alberta. After the screening, there’ll be a Panel Discussion chaired by MP Olivia Chow featuring film director Leslie Iwerks, NDP leader Jack Layton and environmentalists. If you are interested in attending yourself, please email James Cullingham.

Ten years ago, the School of Communication Arts was located a couple of kilometers east of our current York home in a little industrial complex on Finch Avenue. Depending who you ask, we had 5 or 6 programs with somewhere around 1000 students in total. Some would say we were at a transitional “make or break” point of our young existence. With the plan for our move to the new building well underway, the call went out for a new leader to take the reins of SCA and that call was answered in a big way. I still remember the first time the staff and faculty met our new leader, sitting on a desk in the front of a large classroom, and all we were thinking was “Who is this guy in the jeans and cowboy boots”. Thank you and congratulations to Jed and his 10 years of leadership as of April 1, and here’s to the next 10!

Return to sender
Again thanks to all who take the time to reply and respond to my confession e-mails and thanks for your advice on some of my musings. I do truly love this part of getting to know you and love hearing your ideas and thoughts. If you have announcements regarding your students, courses, programs or personal life and you wish to share, I would love to pass it along in future e-mails so please feel free to reply.

In closing
The last word this week goes to my 6-year-old daughter, Julia. I am not sure where she heard it, or if she understands what it means, but this week before bed she danced into our bedroom and announces to my wife, in her look at me, I am cute voice, “Let’s do yoga…. relax your soul!”.

I am on my way home to get my mat, and think I may try downward laying duck tonight!

Thanks! 11 (+1) down and 3 (+1) to go.

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